Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween!

 Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
Just as we hoped we finished our academics Monday through Thursday. That was BUSY! 
Friday we had a BLAST getting into the spirit of Halloween! Since we could not do parties and costumes, we instead had a FULL day of Poke a Pumpkin! 

Each student had their own cup filled with an activity for the whole class to do. Yes...25 activities! We built witches hats, haunted houses, and broom sticks. Stamped spiders, drew chalk pumpkin patches, showed our athletic abilities and dance moves, heard stories, shared our costumes, enjoyed a tasty treat (after being quarantined for days) and much more. By 2:00 we were ready to relax and watch The One and Only Ivan!

I went home from a crazy fun day totally exhausted. Hope your child had just as much fun!

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