Monday, November 2, 2020

Election Day!

Today the students and I went over what is an election and what is the job of the president. We did not get into political views of each candidate and we did not express our voting preference on candidates. 

Instead we made it a little more kid friendly...

During power hour students had their own Scholastic that is coming home today. They did a large majority of it and figured the rest could be save for tomorrow, election day. The Scholastic News, Can a Kid Be President?, is in Google Classroom and they have a hard copy with them. It teaches the kids why kids can't be president and what they would do if they were president. Great magazine!

After learning about the process we read a story, Duck for President. While reading we decided who we would want for president, based on the book and the information we had. Duck or Farmer Brown? Then students voted! We had ballots and a ballot box. Then we graphed our results and filled in the bar graph. They had a lot of fun with it while it came with cheering and many more questions. Their curiosity is coming home to you :)

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