Friday, February 10, 2017

Persuasive Writing

We have introduced Persuasive Writing in our classroom. Students have learned how to persuade someone to do something they want and/or convince someone to like, or not like, their opinion. Before beginning though we talked about the different between a fact and an opinion. One last activity we did today to know and understand the difference between the two is making a cootie catcher on fact and opinion. This was not an easy task, but it was fun! Once all catchers were made they had a blast walking around asking each other fact or opinion questions and quizzing one another. You will see these coming home today! Ask your child if they can tell you the difference between fact and opinion!

We began the writing process by trying to convince Mr. Tiesworth to add a certain lunch item to the cafeteria. However, whatever was chosen also had to be followed with three convincing reasons why he might agree that would be a good idea. We had ideas for a smoothie machine, more french fries, variety of ice cream flavors, and even fresh vegetables. 
Now the students have moved on to their own ideas where they could venture to persuade people outside of school as well. The ideas were great!

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