Monday, February 20, 2017

Westward Expansion

Today we began our next domain of the Westward Expansion.
This domain will introduce students to an important period in the history of the United States - the time of westward expansion during the 1800's. Students will learn why pioneers were willing and eager to endure hardships to move westward. We will learn about important innovations in both transportation and communication during that period, which greatly increased the movement of people westward. More specifically, students will learn about Fulton's steamboat, the Erie Canal, the transcontinental railroad, and the Pony Express. Students will also come to understand the hardships and tragedies that Native Americans endured because of the westward expansion.
This domain will build the foundation for learning about The U.S. Civil War and Immigration later in the year, as well as learning about other periods of American history in future grades.

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