Sunday, September 17, 2017

Learning Buddies

We began our year long adventure with our fourth grade friends of Mrs. DePlaunty's classroom. They will be our learning buddies once a week! 
We meet on Fridays at the end of the day for 30 minutes. Mrs. DePlaunty and I select different themes for the week, whether it be reading, math, or a fun STEM project for all buddies to participate in. This keeps the students engaged and eager, ready and excited for the next time we meet with our learning buddies! 
The first week of school we met our fourth grade friends and got to know one another with a friendly interview. The first week the fourth graders interviewed the second graders, then last week the tables turned and the second graders interviewed the fourth graders. Very fun!!
When we were finished each buddy was able to listen or read a story they are enjoying in their own classrooms during book choice time.
We are going to have an awesome year exchanging learning experiences with our fourth grade friends!  


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