Friday, September 8, 2017


Morning Procedure
Students are allowed to enter the building in the morning at 8:30am only for breakfast. 
Prior to that time there is no supervision and it is not safe to have them outside the school or waiting in the entryway. Please do not drop your student off until 8:30am when they can go out to the playground with supervision

Change to the End of Day Routine
Thank you for the continuous updates for what your child is doing at the end of the day. However, there have been some students who are unsure what they are suppose to do. If you know your child is going to change their schedule at the end of the day often or have a plan that is different than the normal, PLEASE let the office know as soon as you can so they can let me know and to also relieve a stressful child at the end of the day. It is also helpful to send me a note on Sunday or Monday for what your child is doing for the week. My goal is to keep your child safe and make sure they are where they need to be at the end of the day. Very important.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!

Lunch has changed
11:20 out at recess
11:40 at lunch

Tuesday, Sept. 12 @ 6:30
Location: Westwoods Library
Free childcare!

First popcorn Friday is next Friday, September 15th!
Please have all pre-orders in by Tuesday, Sept. 12th 
If you would like to sign up to volunteer for popcorn Fridays!
Please e-mail Nicole with and questions/issues (

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