Wednesday, September 13, 2017

News & Updates

Book Order
All book orders are due on Friday, September 15th.
If you are ordering online our classroom activation code is 

Spelling Words
This week in your child's communicator came home a list of short vowel a and short vowel i spelling words. These are words we are working on in the classroom, reading in our stories, working with in our phonics and grammar lessons, and connecting and using in our writing.
We will NOT be having spelling tests and instead will be continuing conversations with spelling vocabulary involved. Even though we do not have spelling test, I still encourage students to practice these words at home.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks! 

Field Trip
Wednesday, October 4th
Second grade students will be traveling to the Traverse City Butterfly House and Bug Zoo. 
We will leave Westwoods at 12:15 and arrive at the butterfly house at 1:00. The field trip will commence at 2:15 and we will arrive back to Westwoods at 3:00.
Please click on the below link to complete the online form for permission.
The cost per child is $7.00. This cost will cover zoo admission and also the cost of transportation.
Each class will need two chaperones to attend the trip. The cost for chaperones is $5.00. This cost will cover zoo admission.
 Please contact your classroom teacher is you are interested in attending this field trip. It will be first come first serve on volunteers.
Thank you!

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