Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Board Books!

Headstart approached us with the opportunity to make all students of this program board books. What little one doesn't love a board book and a fun story to go along? So many ideas rolled through our heads and then we became excited!
These board books are going to be a small gift to the kids entering a new setting. Something one of their new teachers can read to them and then something they can take home to share.
Our classroom made two different board books and we had a blast in the process!

We met with our learning buddies for three Fridays as we walked through the writing process to completion. Students had flexibility with their buddy to create a book they thought would be interesting but also involves content that little ones would understand and want to hear.
Their first step was to plan out their pages. They collaborated, using on another's ideas, then created a story to love!
Some students even created non-fiction text where they taught the kids at Headstart a thing or two about insects, birds, and even Traverse City!

Due to our field trip to the Bug Zoo and Butterfly House, we decided to write an all about book about a bugs and insects. While making something fun for a little kiddo, we also wanted to make a connection to second grade.
All students chose their insect or bug, then researched their choice in books and even on the computer. After they had enough information and gained more knowledge on the topic, they planned their pages, edited what they had, and then created a REALLY awesome board book that I almost wish they could have kept! Instead, I took a picture of all the book pages! Here is a peek...you can see a more upclose version at parent teacher conferences!

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