Thursday, October 19, 2017

Important Reminders

Parent Teacher Conferences
Here is the link to click on in order to sign up for parent teacher conferences.

Field Trip
We are heading to Gallagher's Farm Market instead of a Halloween Celebration this year! Please click on the following link to fill out the online permission slip for your child if you haven't already.
Thank you!

Move A Thon
We are behind our goal for the Move A Thon! If you haven't turned in your donations and pledges yet please do so as soon as possible. This was a great fundraiser for funds going back to the school for a great cause!

Box Top Contest
October 23rd-27th
Help our classroom collect tops in a winner takes all event!!
The winning class will receive 10 % of the amount collected to be used for supplies in the classroom. So if the school collects 20,000 tops that means $2,000 and $200.00 for our classroom!! Please ask family and friends to help collect for our classroom as well! We are in it to win it!!

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