Monday, October 2, 2017


The students first homework packet is coming home! 
Each Monday they will receive a homework packet that also contains a schedule to help follow each day of the week. This week is a little light, with only a word ladder, math page and 25 minutes of reading each night. I will had a couple more activities as the weeks go on. 
I know with extra activities after school, and especially family time each evening, homework is not able to get done every day. This will help the students to be responsible and find time for their school work in addition to other scheduled events.

All homework is due by the latest of Friday.

Please help your child to remember to take their time. Homework is not due until the end of the week, so they have time to do the different activities in separate chunks throughout the week.

Please know that ALL homework is review from the classroom. Nothing sent home will ever be new content. Students should be able to do this independently, however, they might need a slight push or a helpful hint here and there.
I do expect and hope reading is done each night, but will not be monitoring home reading. Reading can be done with a partner where they are reading or the partner is reading to them. They came up with great examples of where to read, read to their pets, or even have books in the bathroom :) 

Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you for your help and support on this!

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