Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Snowflake Bentley

Last week and this week we did a fun activity with our learning buddies. Last week we read the story Snowflake Bentley. It is a story about Wilson Bentley and how he saw snowflakes as small miracles. He was determined that one day his camera would capture snowflakes so others could see the wonder of the tiny crystal. After reading the story, students work in small groups to sketch their own snowflakes. Then this week we took those sketches and used marshmallows and toothpicks to create a model of our drawings. Some of these will be coming home...if they made it that far. Marshmallows are also a tasty treat :)

 "Of all the forms of water the tiny six-pointed crystals of ice called snow are incomparably the most beautiful and varied." -- Wilson Bentley (1865-1931)

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