Monday, February 11, 2019

Story Companion - Homework

With all the snow days recently, we are trying to catch up on all learning that was missed. At the end of each week we usually to something called a story companion that ties in all the different concepts learned and practiced over a weeks time. So instead of trying to squeeze it in I gave this activity to all students today to try at home. All pages should be practice and something we learned and reviewed last week. However, if any student is stumped on any part please have them come back into the classroom and we will discuss to get a better understanding.
On the back students are asked to complete the story structure on Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble.
Here is a link students can use to refresh their memory on the story. 
It is also in Google Classroom  in their Reading Folder. 
This is due back on Friday, February 15th.

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