Monday, April 6, 2020

Must Do: Week of April 6 - 10

Journeys Lesson 23
Anchor Texts (click to open)
Click Unit 5 - Lesson 23 - The Goat in the Rug
* Look in your Google Classroom McNitt Reading for the readers guide and questions
* Look for this weeks grammar and phonics lessons in your Google Classroom McNitt Reading folder

Scholastic Magazine
Magazine Link
* Read through the magazine
*Do the activity, the game, and watch the videos
* Comprehension pages are found in your Google Classroom Book Club folder

* Read Works
Everyone has NEW Read Works articles to do throughout this week! Your work will get checked as soon as you turn it in.
ReadWorks – Cape Tiger Stripes

Book Clubs
* Please look for your schedule book club time!
Green Book Club - Tuesday
From Sheep to Sweater
Purple Book Club - Wednesday
Blue Book Club - Thursday
Textiles From Across the World
All meets are at 11:40
ALL books we are reading together as a book club are in your Google Classroom Book Club folder. Please have this ready at your scheduled time!

* Proofread for Spelling. 
You will find this in Google Classroom McNitt Reading. Please rewrite the paragraph using the correct spelling words. You can write it paper and pencil OR type it out.
* Informational Writing: Create Your Own Animal (in a blog post)

* Please look in your Google Classroom Math Group Folder (circle, triangle, square)
Last week I posted new concepts, videos, games and books to connect. 
*Please also check your Personal Math Trainers
More video lessons and activities to come...

* SumDog Challenge...coming Monday afternoon

* Mystery Doug Link
Mystery Doug - Posts | Facebook
Look for a familiar list of MAY DO's in the Google Classroom folder labeled May Do!

All work is a familiar format to students. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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