Monday, May 18, 2015

Opinion Writing

Last week the students did a couple different taste tests for their opinion writing. We took a different route to throw a little more fun into the mix, with trying to persuade someone to like or dislike a couple different foods. 
We are using the Oreo concept of top cookie being our lead and introducing our opinion. Middle fluff being our reasons and examples. Bottom cookie being our ending and restating our opinion. So of course, our first test had to be an Oreo. Mrs. McNitt was the ONLY one who is not a fan of the cookie. So ALL students had to try to convince me through their writing to like Oreos while meeting all their writing goals and expectations. 
Later in the week they did the same idea with celery. Not as big of a hit, but more of a variety of likes and dislikes. Which also meant more conversation and convincing by peers.

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