Monday, May 18, 2015

Updates & Reminders

NWEA results for reading and math were sent home in your child's communicator Thursday afternoon. Please review their scores and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 
Very proud of all students hard work and dedication! They have accomplished so much and have made huge strides! Thanks so much!!

Fun & Funky Field Day!
This is hat day/or crazy hair day!
Friday, May 22
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outside activity.
Please wear tennis shoes and NOT sandals.

Volunteer Breakfast
Friday, May 22

No School Memorial Day
Monday, May 25

End of the Year Field Trip 
Lake Ann Camp
Wednesday, June 3rd
All day: 9:30-2:30
All students will need a cold lunch that day
$14 per child (camp & bus)
Please look for permission slips and details home Tuesday. 
All permission slips and money need to be back by Tuesday, May 26th

Last Day of School
June 10th
Full day

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