Friday, December 11, 2015

Dividing it all up!

Students are learning how to divide select amounts into equal groups. 
Division is repeated subtraction.
24 / 6 = 
Taking 6 away from 24 until there is nothing left to take away.
24 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 = 0
How many sixes were taken away from 24 to get to zero?
4 groups of 6
24 / 6 = 4
We also used visuals to solve. Students are using popsicle sticks, for given division problems. We worked through a few examples for solving division two different ways.
24 / 6 =
1. Divide 24 into 6 equal groups. How many are in each group?
2. Divide 24 with 6 in each group. How many groups are there?
Try this with your child at home. See if they can show you the two different ways of dividing.

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