Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Homework & Updates

Monday, students brought home their weekly homework packets! All due on Friday!
Reading Fluency
Pirate Song
Please help remind your child to take the couple minutes to read through their passage each night (Friday morning is optional). They also have three separate comprehension questions on the back.
In addition, students have a math problem page and a words ladder. 
Students have a new list of spelling words with tricky letters g and c. These are review concepts for us, but happy they are back around.
Please help your child to practice spelling words throughout the week. Even if its in the car, playing outside, or while decorating a Christmas tree :) Test will be Friday morning. 

New Books!
Hagerty CARes team members visited all TCAPS elementary schools today to donate the book "Eat My Dust! Henry Ford’s First Race" to all TCAPS 2nd grade students. Our classroom was visited this morning!!
The book offers a taste of history and plenty of action. Colorful artwork, full of exaggeration, movement, and comical detail, catches the fun and excitement of Ford's history-making auto-race defeat of Alexander Winton, which brought in enough cash to allow Ford to start his famouscompany. The story is so involving, especially after the race starts, that kids won't want to stop reading until Ford crosses the finish line. You will see these books coming home throughout the week. Some students have them in their chair pockets reading at school, and some were excited to bring them home to share with their family. Very awesome surprise and gift to our classroom! Many happy faces :) 

Next week our classroom will be taking the NWEA Math and Reading tests. Here are our time and dates:
NWEA Reading
Monday, Dec. 7 @ 9:00
Thursday, Dec. 9 @ 9:00

Our classroom carnival basket theme is Family Fun! If you have any items to donate to our classroom basket please have your child bring them into the classroom. I will be collecting all items for our classroom to eventually give to PTO. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support!

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