Sunday, December 13, 2015

McNitt Updates

Report Cards
Report cards came home with your child Friday. Please take time to look through each card with your child to talk about their progress so far in second grade. Please also let me know if you have any questions or concerns. They have accomplished a lot! Very proud!
Please make sure to remove all insides from the report card envelope, sign the outside, and return the envelope back to school empty. 
Thank you!
Inside all report card envelopes were also two extra pieces. A note regarding our holiday celebration and a field trip parent permission form.
Holiday Party
We will be celebration the holidays with fun and games on Monday, Dec. 21, instead of the typical party. Students will be able to bring in a board game of their choice and where PJ's to school! In addition we will have a holiday treat and enjoy some holiday tunes. How fun!
Field Trip
Our classroom, along with other classes in the building, will be heading to West Senior High School on Tuesday, Dec. 22. We have the opportunity to listen and watch WSH students put on a holiday performance. We will be leaving Westwoods after lunch at 1:00 and return back to school at 2:30 just in time for Spanish at 2:30 and our holiday sing along at 3:00. In order for your child to join us, please fill out the bottom portion of the (green) permission slip and send it back to school no later than Friday, Dec. 18. 
Thank you!

Winter in the Woods
Dec. 17 from 5-7
Enjoy some hot coca and cookies, while visiting with Santa and getting a photo. 
Santa's Gift School will also be open to purchase gifts. If you would like to volunteer please sign up.

Friends of Westwoods Directory
Here is the link to the working directory:
If you would still like to ADD your business to the directory, click here:

WW Carnival
Classroom Theme: Family Fun!
If you have any items to donate to our classroom basket (Family Fun) for our WW Carnival please send all items in with your child to give to your classroom teacher. Thank you!

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

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