Tuesday, December 15, 2015


This weeks spelling words are antonyms and synonyms.
Antonyms are words that opposites like hot and cold.
Synonyms are words that are almost the same in meaning.
Students will not only be expected to spell their words this week, but also know their antonyms and synonyms. Which means, for Friday's assessment, I will say what is the antonym for ____ OR what is the synonym for ____ and the students will write the correct word and spelling for the correct word that belongs. 
Example: What is the antonym for over? Students will write down under
What is the synonym for subtract? Students will write down minus.

Please help remind your child that in addition to a spelling test on Friday all word ladders, math pages, fluency/comprehension questions (on the back of the fluency pages) are also due. 
Thank you for your continued support!!

Due to the short week next Monday and Tuesday, students will NOT be coming home with a spelling list and there will NOT be a homework packet.

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