Sunday, September 25, 2016

Book Choice

Students have been shopping these last few weeks...for new books. They have been introduced to new series and found some old ones they still enjoy! Book choice involves more than just walking up to a book and selecting the one with a fancy cover. We talk and continually reinforce how to find the "just right" book for ourselves. This way, instead of finding a story that is too easy or too hard, student are choosing a text that is right for their own pace. This helps to then use their reading strategies to increase fluency, and to have fluency to then comprehend what they are reading. This in the end will make better readers to get to all the amazing books that are out there waiting for each student to crack open.
We compare this idea to riding a bike.



Students should be able to do this at home as well for books they are choosing. Ask your child how they know what books are right for them?

We are creating a reading environment in our classroom that students are going to enjoy, stay engaged and continue to learn from!


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