Monday, September 19, 2016


Library started last week! Even though we loved Mrs. Kubesh and wish her well at TC Central High School, we in turn have another wonderful new librarian this year, Mrs. Swartz! We are very excited about her addition to our school community!
Our scheduled library time is Wednesday morning at 9:35
With a new librarian comes a few new procedures. Students checked out one book last week. Mrs. Swartz will bump that up to two for second graders as time goes on. The library is also asking for all library books to be returned from students the day before their assigned library day. This will ensure all books get checked back in and all renewals are placed before our library time. Which means, all books your child checked out from the Westwoods Library last week need to be returned back to school by Tuesday, September 20th. 
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Happy Reading!
Image result for books clipart

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