Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tall Tales

We are coming to the end of our Fairy Tales and Tall Tale stories. The last few stories we read introduced the students to the different variations of tall tales, including all the exaggerations and larger than life fictional characters. The tall tales they were hearing and learning from were
Paul Bunyan
Pecos Bill
John Henry
Casey Jones
All stories introduced the students to the setting of the American Frontier and some of the occupations settlers had during that time. Many of the characters from our stories were heading west on their adventures. This will also prepare us for future stories, continuing our conversation on the american frontier, with the Westward Expansion.
Coming home on Friday you will see a few different items connected to the tall tales your child has been actively involved in at school. 
1. Parent letter
This can give extra extension ideas to do at home to continue learning in different ways. 

2. Tall Tale chart
After each tall tale was read, the students filled in the different details learned from each story connecting to the exaggerated lives of each fictional character. Please take the time to sit with your child and ask questions about each tall tale. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot while hearing about all the amazing adventures, crazy behaviors, and total exaggerated lifestyles of each story. I know the experience would love to be shared!
3. Writing Piece
Students in the end were able to share what their favorite tall tale or fairy tale was. Along with what exaggerations they thought were the best. They are engaged in writing when they have something of interest to write about. All students were able to dive into this activity without a redirection to stay on task! They were ready to write about their reading and then share their thoughts.

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