Sunday, September 18, 2016

Reminders & Updates!

What a fantastic first couple weeks of school! I wanted to update you with a couple reminders and new information.

Image result for reminders clipart

General Information
One of the tabs on our blog page is general information. On this page you will find the basic information for our classroom. Newly updated to that page is our specials schedule. Please take a look when you have a minute. All information that was given to you on open house night is also pasted there as well in addition to a couple small details.

Please make sure your child has a pair of PE shoes to keep at school. We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays after lunch on both days.
Your child will also be creating some beautiful art, and I would not want any of what is suppose to be on their papers to land on their nice school clothes. If you can send in an old shirt to use as an art shirt for this time please do. It can stay in their locker for the year.

Water Bottles
Students are allowed to bring water bottles to school. However, we do have two drinking fountains in our classroom so it is not needed but optional. If they do bring water bottles it does stay over by the counter do to avoiding small ponds all over their desks, floor, and one another. Since desks open in second grade whatever is on it while opening takes an unfortunate spill :)

PLEASE help your child to remember a health snack for the school day. Students can bring one or two snacks to school. We have one snack in the morning and one snack in the afternoon.

Students are doing an AWESOME job remember their communicators and Friday Folders! Thank you for helping your child develop this routine each day! Please note that their first homework packet will be coming home Monday, September 19th, in their communicators. More information will be posted on the blog Monday for homework and spelling.

Last Friday was our FIRST popcorn Friday This year all popcorn will be handed out at the end of each Friday to take home and enjoy! Last week all students enjoyed plain and/or pizza flavor. Next week they will have the option of Dill and/or plain. I know they are still looking for volunteers to sign up to help pop the corn and deliver to classrooms. Here is the link to do that

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing weekend! We will be ready to dig in and exhaust ourselves by Friday, while having tons of fun, again this week! See you MONDAY!!

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