Thursday, October 13, 2016

Peace Talk!

Todays peace talk focused on creating a stoplight in our mind.
Image result for stop light clipart
When someone says STOP you freeze and your light turns red.
Then as you stop your light begins to turn yellow, where you need to slow down and think peacefully about how to act and what to say. Think about your choice before you act. 
When you are ready your light begins to turn green. This is when you make peaceful choices and kind words are exchanged and good choices are then made.
The traffic light helps us to think about it first. We STOP, THINK, then ACT.
Mrs. Sulecki this week also gave the students homework. They need to think of the stoplight and make peaceful choices at school, home and anywhere else they go.
It was a great peace talk today and one we will incorporate into our classroom as well! 
Ask your child about the stoplight they get to start using.

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