Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tasks for the Week!

Monday a new homework packet made its way home in all student communicators.
Please remind your child to set a time throughout the week to plug away at their assignments.
Both the word ladder and the math page is due on Friday.
Please remind your child to read to self or with a buddy each night for 25 minutes.
Thank you! 

A new list of spelling words also came home to practice for the week.
Our theme this week is adding the suffix -ed
This is a review concept. Students should notice the change in the root word when adding a suffix. Some root words double a consonant when adding a suffix, if that word follows the three rules.
However, there are also root words that do not change and can just add the ending suffix.
Students will be tested on the last column of the chart. Words with the suffix -ed.
Ask your child what the three rules are when adding suffixes to a root word.
Spelling test is on Monday, October 17th

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