Monday, October 24, 2016


Halloween Celebration
Our classroom will be celebrating Halloween on the afternoon of the 31st from 2:20 - 3:20.
Last week I sent out an e-mail to sign up for items, treats, and drinks to bring as well as activities to create. Thank you to all that were able to help so far! Here is the link to sign up for any additional spots still open.
Please know if you are not able to help this time around and wanted to, there will be other times throughout the year where I would love your help again. Thanks!!

Parent Helpers
I would love more parent helpers for our Classroom Book Clubs. Here is the link to sign up:
We are still doing Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:30 - 11:00. Students have really been enjoying this time with their book clubs and especially when parents are able to join in. If you are interested please take a look to see if any dates correspond with your schedule. Thank you!

Westwoods Spirit Wear
Friday your child came home with an order form for Westwoods gear. Spirit wear will be available to try on and check out each conference night in the hall across from the cafeteria.
Please submit orders by Tuesday, November 1
Make checks payable to Westwoods
All items will be delivered the week of Nov. 22

Book Fair News
Our classroom will be attending the book fair during our scheduled library time on Wednesday morning 9:35 - 10:05.
There have been added dates for the students to shop. Book Fair will be open during the following times next week:
       Tuesday, October 25th                    4:30pm – 7:30pm
       Wednesday, October 26th            2:30pm – 4:30pm
       Thursday, October 27th                  4:30pm – 7:30pm

Don’t forget that you can also shop for books at the Online Book Fair! Visit Westwoods Elementary School Book Fair homepage at: and click on Shop Now. Online shopping is available until October 28th with an expanded selection for ALL ages and your purchase will be shipped free to the school and hand delivered to your student!

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