Friday, October 28, 2016

Team Peaceful!

Today Team Peaceful learned another valuable lesson! Understanding personal space for yourself and others. Through discussion and modeling, the students saw spaces for one another that are too big/too far apart so that they are yelling. Also, spaces that are too close leaving many bodies uncomfortable. There is a new rule to feel comfortable when speaking and interacting with other people. Use the invisible hula hoop! Space between people should fit a hula hoop so that all bodies have their own space bubble.
So here are the rules:
1. ASK first! 
"Do you want to play tag?" Instead of running up to someone and hitting them before asking.
"Can I hug you?" Not everyone likes hugs and some people like to be prepared for the touch of a hug.
2. CONTROL the space around you
3. Be GENTLE and SAFE which also means to be AWARE of yourself and those around you. 

Due to the students doing such a fantastic and peaceful job during their weekly lessons with Mrs. Sulecki, they earned a game at the end of this lesson. They all stayed in their circle, held hands and trie to get two hula hoops, going in opposite directions, all the way around the circle. They were crawling through hula hoops, twisting their bodies different ways, helping one another get the hula hoop pass one student to the next, etc. They had fun! A much deserved reward for great behavior and awesome listening skills!

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