Monday, March 28, 2016

A Blast from the Past!

When the students walk down the hall and see a former teacher of theirs, there is an impulse reaction with wide eyes and excitement. They want to blurt out a loud hello, slap a high five or jump for a quick hug! So this time, I brought the teachers to them! Over the past couple of weeks the students were surprised by guest readers Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. Walter! They read a couple of their favorite books and of course carried a lesson along as well! 
(Mrs. Johnson will be a special guest reader after we return from break)

Thank you to the always cheerful and uplifting Mrs. McPherson!
She read two stories...which were new reads for a lot of students.
Monsters Love Tacos
All students had a great laugh from Monsters who LOVE parties and tacos, but NOT spicy tacos! So what happens when they are accidentally served peppers in their salsa?!
This was a very creative story about a spoon who has always been a happy utensil, but begins to feel like like he isn't cutting it as much as fork, knife and chopsticks. After the story, Mrs. McPherson lead the conversation in a gentle reminder to celebrate what makes us each special!
Thank you Mrs. McPherson!!


Thank you to the motivating and always optimistic Mrs. Walter!
The story Mrs. Walter chose was a favorite from when she was a child. Not only did she share it with many new faces of our classroom, but it is also a favorite each year for her students as well!
The Giant Jam Sandwich
Four million wasps have just invaded a town and everyone is in a panic! However, they think of a crazy idea to make a giant jam sandwich that just might work to clear out all the wasps!Students were totally engaged as they heard the town knead, bake and slather the biggest wasp trap there ever was! Not only did this text bring humor, but it also brought a purpose and a lesson. Mrs. Walter asked the students what could have been learned as they heard the story?
Some ideas were to never to give up or to  accomplish something. Great ideas, however, the bigger idea discussed was to think outside of the box! That it is okay to think differently or have a new perspective on things.
Thank you Mrs. Walter!!

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