Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Piece of the Pie

After concluding graphing with our end of the unit Fruit Loop project, I decided to add in one more graph...Pie Graphs! We had used pie graphs as a tool to gather information to read from, however, we did not have the chance to conduct our own surveys, produce a tally chart and then make our very own pie chart from the results. So we squeezed in the time, and had fun while doing it! 
We did one as a class to use as a model and example.
What is your favorite subject in the classroom?
After we surveyed all students, and teacher, we all made an example pie graph together using the results. Not only did they fill in the pie, they were also responsible for creating a title for their graph and to also input a key to identify the different areas of their pie graph.

Next step...students produced their own survey question and found results by asking their peers a questions with answers based on their different categories. Then results were taken back to put into a pie graph to then analyze and interpret the data found. Not only did they do the work well, but the math conversation they were having with their peers was awesome! They were able to quickly find the range of data, find the difference between two categories, all while using their pie graph. On top of the math, students, and especially myself, learned a lot about the people in our classroom!

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?

 What is your favorite season?

 What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite holiday?

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