Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Monday's Guest Readers!

Thank you to the both amazing and incredible parents and volunteers of our building, Mrs. Young & Mrs. Coleman!
Mrs. Young read two different Dr. Seuss stories...who doesn't love Dr. Seuss! First we heard The Lorax. Which even though most students had heard the story still engaged in hearing it once, twice and multiple times over. Students know that when you reread books it helps to become a better reader! In addition to one, Mrs. Young took the time to share one more Seuss book named What Pet to Get! This is a new story that was found hidden beneath the stacks and piles on Seuss' desk. It was even a new read to myself! The best part was the end of the story was left unknown. This made every mind roll...what pet did they end up getting?? Thank you Mrs. Young!


After lunch Mrs. Coleman read another new read to students, The Huey's in the New Sweater! The thing about the Hueys is that they are all the same, until one becomes different! Suddenly the new change is catching on and everyone wants to give it a try. Great lesson learned from this story on being different and that it is okay! Thank you Mrs. Coleman!

Both stories engaged our attention, helped make cross text and personal connections, and was just plain fun to hear!
Thank you for adding more GREAT reads to our day and to our library of books heard! 

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