Monday, March 21, 2016

Reminders & Updates

March 23 - Half Day of School
Cold lunches will be available for students to purchase and bring home or eat at extended day.  Please let me know if you would like to order a cold lunch by Tuesday, March 22, 2016.  Extended day is available on the half day of school.  The cost for extended day on a half day is $20.

Report Cards

McNitt Classroom Report Cards are coming home on Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
(All other report cards for WW you might not see until Wed., March 23) 
Please note that there will not be grades for Art until the next marking period.  We are excited to have Mr. Alex Gunn as an official part of the Westwoods staff.  He is already building connections and introducing creativity into our community.

Homework & Spelling
We will NOT have homework or spelling this week due to a short week. Please have your child continue to work on CKLA literacy workbooks that are coming home, along with math packets. All content in both packets and books contain material that we have already gone over as a classroom and will be review to all students. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 
Thank you and have a great break!

Westwoods Student Art
Collaborative classroom prints from the Westwoods Evening with Art are available for purchase in a glossy 12X18 poster, the cost is $10.00 per print.  Orders will be accepted through March 23rd.  Checks can be made payable to Westwoods and turned into the office. can be emailed to

Guest Readers
A HUGE thank you to all who have surprised our classroom with your presence and read the students a favorite book! You wouldn't believe how exciting this was for EVERYONE! The anticipation of who was the guest reader and what book they were bringing brought so many happy faces! I know it is hard for many schedules to correlate with our school schedule. So for those who were not able to make it in, but want to stop in another day, please let me know. March is reading month, but we would love a guest reader every now and then to add a special perk to our schedule. It was a hit!! Thanks again!!

Beach Bums Reading
Remind your child to keep reading and rounding the bases by recording the titles they have read. Read around the bases with the Traverse City Beach Bums mascots, Suntan & Sunburn, as they curl up with their favorite books dreaming of spring. There may be snow on the ground, but that is not stopping either Suntan or Sunburn from gearing up for baseball season.
It is your time to step up to the plate and earn a base hit by reading five books this winter. Every additional five books earn readers extra bases and some awesome rewards! Hit it out of the park by finishing 20 books to earn extra tickets and more.
Here’s how the program works:
  1. Start Reading! Find a good book, curl up and start reading!
  2. Record every book you finish on your Reading Club poster. An added challenge for 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders: ONE book = 100 pages (For example a book with a lot of pages such as Harry Potter may equal 4 or 5 books).
  3. When you finish reading your way around the bases, have your teacher check your poster and add your name to the Super Reader list.
  4. Deadline to meet your reading goal is March 31st!
  5. Prizes will be delivered during the month of Apr
Daddy Daughter Dance
Friday, April 8
More information to come...

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