Thursday, November 9, 2017

Updates & Reminders

Scholastic Book Order
A November Scholastic Book Order went home this week! If you would like an order to be placed for you please have your order in by Friday, Nov. 10th. If you are placing any orders online please do so anytime you like. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks so much!

Volunteer Sign Up
I do have our volunteer schedule up from now until the end of the year! This has been such a success with all your help! We GREATLY appreciate all volunteers who have helped our book clubs! The students look forward to when they will have an adult visitor guiding their clubs :)
Here is the link to sign up for all remaining mornings and Thursday afternoons.

Please also remember, if you are volunteering in our classroom on a regular basis to complete the online application per TCAPS.
online volunteer application form
This ensures that we have all adult visitors in the system for the safety of those in the building.
Thank you!

Winter Wear
Now that colder temperatures and even snow is approaching please remember to send your child to school in layers and with all the winter essentials!
Warm Winter Jacket
Snow Boots
*Please also send a pair of shoes for the school day, so all boots can stay in the hallway.
Snow Pants
It would also be a great idea to send an extra set of clothing in with your child to put in their locker. This includes socks, pants, underwear and an extra shirt. There are accidents that happen from wet snow, to a fall in a puddle, to other rare accidents. Thank you!

Plastic Bottles
As of today we have 34 bottles for our tornadoes Friday! We would love just a few extras if anyone has anymore plastic bottles lying around the garage or recycling bin. Thank you to all that have contributed! (Any extra bottles we get I will make sure get recycled, if they are not used)
Our science experiment Friday afternoon is something to look forward to and very exciting!

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