Saturday, September 12, 2015


In your child's Friday Folder, you will find a parent note for CKLA. Last week in the classroom, the students were introduced to our new curriculum at Westwoods of CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts). Grades K, 1, and 2 are teaching this new curriculum to their students (students at WW did not receive CKLA last year in grade 1). We are VERY excited to give students this opportunity!
Along with the parent letter, you will also see two different stories (oral reading) and worksheets (comprehension) we completed in the classroom together after lesson one and lesson two. 
During both lessons, last week the students also learned about:
 Individual vowel code book
 Individual consonant code book
We reviewed different sounds letters can make and different sounds letter combinations can make to help with reading and writing. Code books are kept in their reading bins for an easy resource to use during reading and writing. 
Spelling words from the sounds you hear. Students are able to use their code books as a resource for this. 
Creating new words by manipulating the sounds in words where only a single letter is changed (added or deleted)
Example: at>cat>hat>bat>bit>bid>did

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