Friday, September 25, 2015

Math Stations

Today in math we had review stations from chapter one, following a lesson on ordering numbers. Students were divided into three groups and rotated after a certain amount of time. Not only were they doing the activities assigned, but they were also working together in their groups using one another as a valuable resource. They used what they have learned to help a peer, strengthening knowledge on both ends. 

Stations were as followed:

Computer station worked on Frontrow & Moby Max (web based math & reading program) practicing their math skills.

Another station worked on a review packet involving: 
Comparing numbers (greater than and less than)
Ordering numbers (greatest to least or least to greatest) 

Last station chose from a variety of math activities that connect to our math learning goals and all we have learned in chapter one.
Counting base ten blocks
Finishing number patterns (find the missing numbers)
Comparing Numbers (greater than and less than)
Matching different number forms (standard, word, expanded)
Finding numbers that are more or less (1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, 100 less)

This weekend ask your child if they can:
Identify place value of a three digit number (ones, tens, and hundreds place)?
Take the standard form of a number and write the written form and expanded form?
ex: 348
three hundred forty eight
To push their thinking, add a fourth digit!

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