Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fun FIRST Day!

What an awesome first day of school!! I hope all the kiddos had as much fun as I did :) We covered a lot, got to know the lay of the land, met new friends and exhausted our brains. Hopefully all students were able to rest and relax tonight for another fun day Wednesday. We will have PE on Wednesday, so if your child forgot their PE shoes today, please help remind them to put them in their backpack. 
Blue "Communicator" folders did not make it home today. Instead they will be traveling in students backpacks Wednesday. As I stated in the welcome letter, blue communicator folders need to come back each and every day. It helps all students develop a routine and ensures both ends (teacher & parent/guardian) get all paperwork and information needed.  

At the end of our school day today students did a practice run on the playground, to go over the appropriate procedure and grade sequence of how to enter the building each morning. When students are dropped off each morning, or arrive on the bus, they will head directly for the playground. That is ALL students grades K-5, unless they are eating breakfast at Westwoods, partake in morning latchkey, or are a preschool student. Parents/guardians are welcome to join their child on the playground, but we ask that you not enter the building until the first bell rings. 
This is to ensure the safety of all students and staff at Westwoods. Thank you for your understanding!

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