Saturday, September 12, 2015

Counting to 1,000

This week in math the students learned a new math game...and LOVED it! 
It helps see numbers to 1,000, by tens, as they move through the game board. In our first chapter of Math in Focus, students will be focusing on counting to 1,000 using a variety of manipulatives, strategies, and activities.
Their enthusiasm during this activity was high when their counter was to move forward or backwards, depending on their dice roll, which often lead to a climb up a tree or a slide down a pipe. This lead to A LOT of chatter of identifying three digit numbers their counters approached, while also beginning to notice how far they were from the end, a partners counter, or the next tree or pipe. 
This game is now part of our math workshop in the classroom and has also been sent home to continue learning. 
Ask your child how to play the game and have them identify different three digit numbers that lead to 1,000. 
To extend their thinking, see if they can count by tens over 100 and even if they can see how far two numbers are from one another. 
Please look for a game-board copy in your child's Friday Folder.  

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