Saturday, September 12, 2015

Classroom Info.

What a fantastic first week!! Couple notes for home...

Parent/Guardian Notes
Thank you to all parents who are sending in notes and communicating with me for where you child goes after school. Please remember, if your child's end of the day routine changes send a note in your child's communicator that morning so I am aware of where your child is to go. If you'd rather send an e-mail, I always check my mail before school, at lunch, and after school. If your child's routine changes during the school day, contact the office and they will let me know of the change. Thank you for your understanding!

Students have been super about getting their communicators back to school each and everyday! I know it is silly to sometimes send home an empty communicator, however, it helps to develop a routine so all notes and important info are getting to home and school when needed. Thank you for your help on this!
Friday Folders
Friday folders came hold Friday! These folders will go home each Fridays and needs to be returned the following Monday morning. All folders will contain papers throughout the week that aren’t urgent to get home. Once a child has lost their Friday folder, they will not get another one, so please help your child develop a routine to get their Friday folder back and forth from school and home. Thank you! 
Inside your child's Friday Folder please look for:
Scholastic News & extra practice worksheet
Westwoods Spirit Wear order form
CKLA activities and parent letter
Counting to 1,000 gameboard 
Student Handbook - Please read through the school handbook with your child. Located in the back is a form to complete. Please do so and return back to school next week. Thank you!

Popcorn Fridays start next Friday September 18th! If you would like to pre-order popcorn, please return prepay order forms by Tuesday Sept 15th, along with payment of $7 per student.
We need volunteer popcorn poppers for popcorn Fridays!  Please volunteer for as many or as few as you can, at the link below.  It's just 1 and a half hours on Friday mornings starting at 8:45am, straight after drop off.  It's a great way to get involved with the school and meet other Westwoods parents.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share this information (and the photos) Kathryn!


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