Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Greek Myths

We have recently begun a new domain in our listening portion of CKLA. We are reading about Greek Myths. This domain builds on The Ancient Greek Civilization domain and will introduce students to several well-known Greek myths and many well-known mythical characters. Students will learn that the ancient Greeks worshiped many gods and goddesses, and that the twelve they believed lived on Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, were the most powerful. Students will learn the definition of a myth: a fictional story, once thought to be true that tried to explain mysteries of nature and humankind. They will also learn about myths that include supernatural beings or events, and that myths give insight into the ancient Greek culture. Students will hear about Prometheus and Pandora, Demeter and Persephone, Arachne and Weaver, the Sphinx, and Hercules, among others. They are very engaged thus far in this particular domain, seeing the relation from the Greek myths to different aspects of our world.

Ask your child how Prometheus and Pandora connect to certain feelings humans have?

Ask your child how Demeter and Persephone connect to our seasons?

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