Friday, January 15, 2016


With Monday being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we spent a bit of time this morning discussing MLK and the impact he had on our country. Students started their day off with a Scholastic News about the famous "I Have a Dream" speech. We read though the magazine together, watched a small video clip, and also had an awesome discussion that involved deeper thinking, questions to ponder, and reflections from what they had learned. Students were able to continue their work and curiosity by using timelines and partners to complete different comprehension activities to check their learning. Ask your child what they learned about MLK today to continue that conversation at home. 

Throughout this week and next week we are reading a nonfiction text about Martin Luther King, Jr. Who Was Marin Luther King, Jr. Students are very interested to learn more about his story and to hear more details to what life was like back during segregation and the impact MLK had on changing the laws and lives of people. 

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