Sunday, January 24, 2016

McNitt Updates

Please remember our carnival basket is going to be collected this week. If you have any donations you would like to add to our FAMILY FUN themed basket please get those into your child's classroom teacher as soon as you can. We have only one item in our basket at the moment, so any and all donations related to FAMILY FUN are welcome! Thank you for your continued support!
Silent Auction
Go to 'view auction' to see the lots.  Then register an account and place bids at
Payment can be made by cash or check at the Westwoods office. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are approaching quickly! I am very excited to meet with you all once again to discuss your child's experience and growth in second grade! Sign up is available for you to choose an available time and date that works best. As we get closer to conferences, I will have to put you in one of my open slots if you have not signed up yet. I want to make sure I am able to see everyone and also give your adequate time to plan and attend your scheduled conference time and date. Slots fill up fast! Childcare will also be provided. 
Here is the link

Box Tops Contest
Please look for Box Top labels on some of your household items and food and clip them to send into our classroom. There will be a school wide contest Feb. 8 - Feb. 12. Thank you!

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