Saturday, March 4, 2017


Field Trip
Second graders at Westwoods will be visiting the Young People's Theater at Central Grade School's Lars Hockstead Auditorium on Wednesday, March 15th. Students will board the bus at 12:00 and will arrive back at school at 2:00.  We will be seeing a "Laura Ingalls Wilder" play, which links to our Westward Expansion unit in Listening and Learning.
Please go to the following link and complete the google form for your permission for your child(ren) to attend this field trip.

In addition to the permission slip, we are asking for a donation toward the cost of the trip to the center and the cost of the bus transportation to get there.
The cost of the field trip and the bus to transport all of our 2nd graders safely is approximately $200.
$4 to cover the cost for one child ($2 field trip, $2 bus)
$12 to cover the cost for my child + 2 others
Please send your donation in cash or check made payable to: Westwoods PTO

Personal Safety
Your child brought home a parent letter about a personal safety lesson that we have coming up in a couple weeks. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you!

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