Monday, March 6, 2017

Unit 5

We are into Unit 5! 
Here are some of the highlighted learning portions of our new unit.
This unit is devoted to introducing spelling alternatives for vowel sounds. Vowel sounds and their spellings are the most challenging part of the English writing system. Spelling achievement will generally trail reading achievement.They learn how to decode the words, then after a variety of exposure to the spellings in written words, students will begin to select the correct spelling in their own writing.

Along with a new unit also comes a new Reader. We are learning about the fictional character in Sir Gus. This details his serendipitous undertakings of Sir Gus, one of King Alfred's knights. Despite his title as "Sir Gus the Fearless," Sir Gus actually has many different fears. In this Reader, Sir Gus has to face a thief, a troll, pirates, an evil wizard, and an enemy king. We have already dove into some of the stories. Ask you child about Sir Gus and what adjectives they would use to describe him?

We will review grammar skills, such as capitalization and punctuation. In addition, we will introduce the concept of verb tenses and will practice identifying and using verbs in the present, past and future. We will also continue to review adjectives, and also learn about the subject and predicate as necessary parts of a complete sentence.

As we begin to move away from persuasive writing, we will continue to also practice narrative pieces. We will learn to brainstorm and write a logically plausible, but different, ending to a story. They will be introduced to this type of writing activity using a story of choice from Sir Gus. 

We are excited about our new unit and new reader!

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