Friday, March 10, 2017

Surprise Guest Readers!

Image result for reading to class clipart

March is reading month! 
Every March I like to invite parents and/or family in to read to our classroom as a surprise to students. They get So very excited to know someone is coming in, reading to the class, with the large anticipation of who it might be. In addition, we would love for you to also bring your own book that is also a favorite of yours! It could be a favorite from your childhood, a favorite you like reading aloud to your children, or just a book you have always enjoyed. 

Last year was our first year doing this and the students had a blast with the surprise and hearing a new or old book read by someone other than their teacher during the school day :) This year I am going to add a twist to the opportunity. I know it is hard for parents to pop in to our classroom during school hours, due to the busy schedules you all have. So, in the case that our times do not work for you, I would like to give you the option of also taping yourself reading your favorite book at home and then sending it my way. I can then play your video for the class of you reading a story, which is just as exciting! 

If you are interested, here is the link to click for an easy sign up. 

(Please copy and paste this link into the web address window)

If you are interested in also taping yourself, please also let me know and you can send it at anytime.
Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thanks so much! 

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