Monday, May 15, 2017

Don't Yuck My Yum!

In connection to keeping our bodies healthy, the students have been involved in great conversations regarding food choices that will give the most nutrients to our bodies. They have learned many new and interesting facts about what effects our bodies by what we choose to put in it. They have become more aware of what they are eating and drinking. Awesome!
I gave all students a challenge ending with a celebrity role on our classroom blog. I asked them to be brave and go out and try something new and different that is healthy and nutritional but also something they have never tried before. 
If they can, also take a picture and send it my way and I will give a HUGE applaud of way to go on our blog for all to see!

our first brave student was Griffin!! 
Way to go Griffin on trying KIWI!

Image result for Way to go clipart

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