Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Teach the Teacher

We are beginning a new favorite activity for the end of the year. It is called Teach the Teacher! Each student gets to teach a lesson of his or her choice. Students will choose a topic that is important and interesting to them and design a 5 minute lesson to teach the class. It can be about themselves, their heritage, a hobby, language, skill, or anything else of their choosing. They can teach how to draw something specific, karate, cooking, singing/teach us a song, origami and more! There really is a lot of critical thinking involved in planning a lesson. Students will plan step by step of how they will present the material and write down the steps.

Students will have a signup sheet of when they would like to teach that gives them days and times of when they will be ready. This way they will also know when they need to be prepared and when we are going to learn something new about our classmate’s expertise talents! 
Our teaching days start Monday, May 22 in the afternoon at the end of each day.

Alternatively to teaching in front of the class, students also have the option of videotaping their lessons. This can be done at any time and then sent to me to show during our Teach the Teacher time. This option gives the students the opportunity to teach a lesson to us in the setting of the skill.

I have already spoken to the students about their teaching task and they are very excited! Please note that this is completely voluntary and no student needs to do this. It is more of a fun part to the end of each day leading up to the last day of school.   
This will really give a glimpse into the students’ personality and be a wonderful experience for us all!
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns!

Dates Available for Sign Up:
Monday, May 22
Tuesday, May 23
Wednesday, May 24
Thursday, May 25
Friday, May 26
Tuesday, May 30
Wednesday, May 31
Thursday, June 1
Monday, June 5 OR Tuesday, June 6

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