Monday, May 15, 2017

Healthy Body

In class we are wrapping up our listening domain of the Human Body. Over the past couple of weeks we covered a number of topics that were of high interest to the students. Subjects included cells and how cells for the building blocks of life on Earth. Students are taught how collections of cells form tissues, and tissues form organs, and finally how organs work within the various body systems. In addition, students were taught about Anton van Leeuwenhoek and his work with the microscope and his discovery of the tiny one-celled bacteria. Students also heard about the digestive and excretory systems and learned the fundamental parts and functions of these two body systems. To wrap up the last of our domain, we focused on the importance of good nutrition and how to make good choices in order to eat a well balanced diet. We talked about the five keys to good health
Eat Well
Good Hygene/Keeping Clean
Have Regular Checkups

An Extra Bonus!
Andrea Wandel was in last Friday. A nutritionist from TBA and also an awesome parent of our classroom. She did a fantastic presentation to the students covering the different ways to stay healthy through the different foods we can be eating. This includes the variety of foods including all the colors that help all the different parts of the amazing human body. Not only did the students get a great lesson, but Mrs. Wandel also brought in a delicious fruit salad for all students to try and snack on. This included cantelope, blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple mixed with lime juice and small pieces of mint leaves. Everyone gave a try to something new and also might have found a new snack to love!


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