Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Don't Yuck My Yum!

The holiday weekend brought on a lot of courageous kiddos! A loooong weekend brings on lots of taste testing with healthy food! Some new food was liked, however, some will not be tasted again for awhile :)

Ellie tried a grape tomato!
Way to be brave Ellie!

Sammy tried asparagus AND peaches! 
Awesome trying something new! 
Both were liked! Yay!

Ben tried honeydew melon and liked it!
Way to be brave Ben!

Marissa tried another new food....peperoncini!
Way to give something new a try!

Kyle tried TWO new foods! Green beans AND raw broccoli!
One was liked and the other not so much :)
Way to be brave Kyle!!
(green bean)

(raw broccoli)

Image result for great job clipart

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