Monday, May 30, 2016

Teach the Teacher

 Students became teachers again! We are really enjoying the short lessons of learning from an array of topics. Today we learned all about the grouse bird, and also how they are hunted. We learned a couple paper activities: how to cut the perfect snowflake and how to fold a Darth Vader origami model. Then, our time wrapped up in our last lesson where our math skills were advanced. We were taught how to play Soduko! 
We all left for the weekend with something new learned from these fabulous four students!

All about Grouse!
Harrision was even able to bring his dad as the expert in the area. Thank you Mr. Heller!
How to Make a Snowflake

  Origami: Darth Vader

Soduko: 10 grade math

Friday, May 27, 2016

Class Plays

Kudos to two of our book clubs! They have been practicing for days to perfect their parts. The hard work paid off, they did an awesome job!!

Johnny Appleseed 

John Henry

Superhero for a Day!!

Many fantastic superhero's made appearances in our classroom on Thursday! On top of all their existing super powers, the ability to read with increased stamina was an added addition! 
Needless to say, it was a very powerful classroom!

Map of the World

Today we pieced together the world! Students learned more about the seven continents and the four (five if you count the Southern) oceans. Throughout our listening lessons in CKLA we have touched down in different continents and some oceans. We learned where each were on our classroom map, and focused in on specific reagions. Today you will see these creations coming home! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Teach the Teacher

We had three wonderful new teachers to our classroom today!
Kate, Sophia & Reese
All teachers gave us a different style to their plans and was very interesting! We learned two different ways to use a loom, to make jewelry from rubber bands. We also learned how to draw a person, where to start first and what steps to take in order to make the detailed drawing. We really enjoyed it and they did an awesome job!! We already look forward to tomorrows lessons!

Night Lights

We were cozy in our pajamas for reading in the dark! Students found a book, a buddy, and a light source to light up their books. They were extremely excited about reading in the dark for DEAR!


Monday, May 23, 2016


Our classroom was a beautiful shade of rojo today! The torched was passed our way just before lunch. We had a sunny morning of reading, and even a tad bit more in the afternoon with our CKLA listening read about bees. We LOVE our stories!

Tuesday: Wear a shirt with words on it