Friday, May 20, 2016

New Friends

 We had so much fun with our new Interlochen friends today! They were able to visit with us for a couple hours and see what Westwoods was like...the community they will soon be part of! Our crew was SO welcoming to the expected nerves and anxiety of our new students.
As a group we did a Human Scavenger Hunt! This helped even the Westwoods students get to know one another as well, and even their teacher! They tried to find different people who liked broccoli, or who plays sports, likes to draw and paint, or who has even left the country, and more. It was A LOT of fun to partake it, and even more fun to watch!
Afterwards, we sat in a circle with some toilet paper :) Each square the students took they had to think of something really awesome they liked at Westwoods or Interlochen! Really gave our new friends many things to look forward to, and also ideas for us to try next year. 
To round out the visit all students joined the WW cookout with their blankets and friends. Thank you to all parents who were able to make it today as well, and who also helped to interact with the new faces that will become more familiar in the fall!
Great day with many great people!!

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