Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Array for Cheeze Its!

Area and perimeter! Two words that have pushed our learning and made our brains hurt! This has been one of the harder concepts to learn this year, so I thought we would try something a little different and also a little more fun and interesting to play around with. Students took Cheeze It crackers and built a variety of their own arrays. With the quadrilateral they built, they had to also find the area (inside) and the perimeter (outside) while taking the extra step by finding the multiplication sentence that fit their array best. 
It went awesome! 
Students were so impressed with their own array, and the data they found. Conversations I heard and took part of were voices of excitement. They were proud to show off what they built and what they knew about their structure. 
It was a delicious activity, and took a lot of willpower to hold off eating until the end :) However, it was worth the wait...this definitely helped all understanding of area and perimeter! 

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